Things turn out best for the people who make the best of the way things turn out.

December 28, 2007

December 25, 2007

It's all good

We had a great Christmas. God blows me away with his love for me. Some of my co-workers suprised me with a pile of presents for my children and I. We opened them tonight after we got home. Wow. God is good, my friends are good. They got me some really nice things. Thanks girlies.

My mother-in-law was home from the hospital for Christmas. Thank you, Lord. Merry Christmas all.

December 21, 2007

December 19, 2007

tea time

December 16, 2007

Our newest church member.

Today I received a great Christmas present. My father-in-law walked the aisle today and joined the church. I have longed for this moment for so long. It's one thing to have someone in your family. To have that individual in your church family as well, priceless.

I didn't know he was going to do this today, but God did and He prompted me to get the camera now and to not wait until after the service. I wanted to take a family picture since we were all in our Christmas attire and we were all there. I left the sanctuary to go get my camera out of one of the nursery rooms which caused me to walk into the service during the singing. I was going to wait and do it later but I was lead to do it now.

Fortunately, I really enjoy our pastor and so therefore I am usually on the third or fourth row. I would sit right in front of him, but I'd look like a stalker. Did I mention I really enjoy hearing our pastor speak. N-E-way. I was able to get a great picture of my father-in-law as he was joining my church family. ☺

Merry Christmas
To You
From My Family To Yours.


December 14, 2007

Baby Jesus - The Lamb of God

Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord. This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.

Today as I was driving I came across this nativity scene and had to pull over and take a picture - especially because I happened to have my camera with me. The house sat on a corner lot and this was the scene at the corner of the yard.


Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!

The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us.

And He died for all, that those who live may no longer live for themselves but for Him who for their sake died and was raised.

God made Him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God.

December 13, 2007

J is for Jesus

Look at a candy cane, what do you see?

Stripes that are red like the blood shed for me

white for my Savior, Who's sinless and pure

"J" is for JESUS, My Lord that's for sure

Turn it around And a staff you will see

Jesus, my shepherd, Is coming for me.

Jesus Gentle Shepherd,
this cane of red and white
proclaims the sweet love story
born on Christmas night

This cane, you see, when turned around
begins your name of Love
and now becomes a symbol of peace
proclaimed above
The lively peppermint flavor
is the regal gift of spice
The white is your purity
and the red your sacrifice

And so this cane reminds us
of just how much you care
and like your Christmas Gift to us
it's meant for all to share

December 11, 2007

December 9, 2007

Happy Birthday, mom, I love you.

Today is my mother's birthday. My mom is a pretty amazing lady. I don't think I even know just how amazing she is. Being as she's my mother she has probably shielded me from some of the heroic things she has done on my account. I wasn't always the best daughter. She always has been the best to me though. My mother has definitely made life smoother for me. She always smooths out the rough edges of life before it comes my way. One could easily take this for granted and grow up to be ungrateful and spoiled. Fortunately God opened up my eyes and was graceful enough to create in me a new heart. I never really understood how great my mom was until God started changing my heart. I realized just how undeserving I had been of her love. She loves me regardless of my behaviour. I can better understand the love that a mother has for their child as I come to understand how God sacrificed His Son for me because He loves me.
My life could have been a lot harder for me and it would have probably even been a real good lesson for me. My mother wouldn't have it. I should be struggling now, but everyday God blesses me through my mother. Thank God I am finally a blessing to her. I can't even imagine the amount of time my mother spent before the Lord petitioning on my behalf. For God's mercy. For God to intervene. For God to protect me. I became the unlovable and my mother's love for me didn't budge. I probably drained it from time to time. Never once did she fail to make me feel like she wasn't there. She has always been there for me.

When I didn't believe in God and I felt alone and helpless. I never felt abandoned or without a friend. I always have had my mom. My mother has been instrumental in my salvation. She has prayed many of prayers that have probably saved my life many of times. I love my, mom. She introduced me to God's people and encouraged me to be a part of His church. I'm at my church because of my mom's faithfulness. I'm in my Sunday School class because of my mom's love. I am a part of my church because of her faithfulness to the body of Christ that she has modeled over the years. She showed me that church is something important and to be taken seriously. She made me want to belong. That has been powerful in my walk with the Lord. I have grown so much through our church.

I have three of my own kids and all the time they remind me of how great my mom is. Mother's are heroes. Mine is. She's my hero. I love you, mom. You have been the one constant stability in my life. Thank you for that. You are such a blessing in my life. You are a blessing to my children. Thank you for the way you love on my children. They think you're great. You are.


December 2, 2007


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Gives light

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Connie Jo

Please pray extra hard for Connie Gray, my mother-in-law, she is having a hard time with her radiation treatments. She has cancer and is struggling with the effects of the treatments. She means the world to me. Pray for her

  • healing

  • strength

  • family

  • peace

  • recovery

  • to be a witness

  • God's perfect will

I am thankful to know that when we do not know how to pray that the Holy Spirit intercedes on our behalf.

I love you, Connie.

November 30, 2007

What I would like... if you must

I don't need anything for Christmas, most of us don't. If you are insisting on buying me something here are just a few things that I would enjoy having:
Third Day - Christmas Offerings CD
Nativity Story DVD

Chris Rice - Short Term Memories CD
Large Quilted Handbag
The Reality of the Resurrection CD - Pator Paul Shepherd
When The Enemy Shows Up (3 parts) (from The Journey Towards Greatness series) CD - Pastor Paul Shepherd
Psalm 51: Confession and Forgiveness Video Series - R.C. Sproul
Hammered Stacked Ring
22 Piece Tool Kit
Pink Tool Set
Willie Nelson's Pretty Paper CD

November 29, 2007

Happy Birthday Jesus.

Yesterday I was on the phone talking to my dear friend whom I don't see enough of. She sometimes teaches my children in church. Well, on Sunday she taught my youngest. My friend, we'll call her Kirstin, was I guess leading class and asking them what Christmas was about. She said most of the class said Santa and presents. Not my little girl. She said I would have been proud. My little girl said "it's Jesus' birthday." Proud I am. That might not seem like too big of a deal but... When my eldest daughter, who is in public school, told me at school they read a story called "The Night Before Christmas" it was a real big deal to me. I asked her what the story was about and she said "Santa and presents." I said "did it talk about Jesus"? She said "no." I said "nowhere at all in the story did it talk about Jesus"? Again my daughter said "no."
I have sort of a weird style of parenting. Telling your kids at a very early age that Santa isn't real and that he's just a distraction to pull peoples focus away from Christ may be a little weird when they are all preschool age. I told my kids early on that Santa was a sham. I wasn't so sure that was the best route to go, but I was sure I couldn't tell them otherwise. I just can't see putting any more obstacles in their path to a Christ filled life. I was blessed and reassured that I am making choices that honor the Lord when I heard of my child's answer.
Christmas is Jesus' birthday. It is the day that God put on skin and came down to our level. He came to fulfill His own law on our behalf. Santa is a joke in my book.

I suggest the movie the Nativity Story this "Christmas." I also suggest reading the Gospel of Luke first. I bawled during the movie when Jesus was born. So powerful. I saw the Scripture come to life.

The Gospel of John is currently on sale at Family Christian Store, $5.00! I recommend that as well.

Mary, did you know
that your Baby Boy would one day walk on water?
Mary, did you know
that your Baby Boy would save our sons and daughters?
Did you know
that your Baby Boy has come to make you new?
This Child that you delivered will soon deliver you.
Mary, did you know
that your Baby Boy will give sight to a blind man?
Mary, did you know
that your Baby Boy will calm the storm with His hand?
Did you know
that your Baby Boy has walked where angels trod?
When you kiss your little Baby you kissed the face of God?
Mary did you know.. Ooo Ooo Ooo
The blind will see.
The deaf will hear.
The dead will live again.
The lame will leap.
The dumb will speak
The praises of The Lamb.
Mary, did you know
that your Baby Boy is Lord of all creation?
Mary, did you know
that your Baby Boy will one day rule the nations?
Did you know
that your Baby Boy is heaven's perfect Lamb?
The sleeping Child you're holding is the Great, I Am.

November 26, 2007

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November 23, 2007

These are a few of my favorite things.

---I really don't remember. I think I worked at Outback Steakhouse.

---teaching Sunday School

---Nature Valley -Chewy TRAIL MIX Bars- Fruit & Nut, pretzels, bananas, apples, strawberries w/red grapes.

--- Only Five!? --- Comfortably Numb -Pink Floyd, Dust In The Wind -Kansas, I Can Only Imagine -MercyMe, My Redeemer Lives -Nicole C. Mullen, Your Love Oh Lord -Third Day, Spoken For -MercyMe, etc...

---own a 1969 Camaro RS/SS , fund K-LOVE, get out of debt, visit Niagara falls, put my children in a private Christian school

---over indulging on sweets, interrupting people when they are talking, sharing too much personal information, hitting the snooze button, driving too fast

---growing spiritually, laying in bed, bowling, roller skating, being on the beach

---leg warmers, side ponytail, size 6, black nail polish, naval ring

November 21, 2007

November 19, 2007

Parkhills Prayer Line: (210) 436-PRAY

At my church we have a prayer ministry. It is called IPM - Intercessory Prayer Ministry. I don't remember how exactly I came to learn about the ministry although I'm sure it must be through receiving one of their precious "prayer grams."

A prayer gram is a card that an intercessor
writes. The card usually has an encouraging word or Scripture to let you know that you are being prayed for. These are mailed out daily. They are not mandatory. They are written as one is felt led to do so.
It is just so encouraging to be on the receiving end of one of these prayer grams. I loved writing prayer grams because I knew the impact that they had on my family and I. I wanted others to know that kind of love and hope and feel the presence of God in their lives.
When one calls in a prayer request a card is made an put in a little filing box. People that are voluntarily involved in the prayer ministry will come in and pray over those cards in the filing box. I know this because I was so impacted by this ministry that I was drawn to serve in it. My husband had received so many prayer grams from this ministry that I was compelled to give back to it. So I offered up one hour of my time a week. I was scheduled one hour in a certain day of the week to come and pray for others. This is an unbelievably powerful and rewarding ministry.

Intercessory Prayer Ministry

Intercessory prayer is entreaty, petition or request offered to God on behalf of someone else. It is a mark of Christian maturity, an unselfish action that grows out of a deep concern toward the other person or group. It is a deed done in faith, hope, and love.
Intercession is really a Christian response to life and our contact with a world of needy humans. Prayer has meaning and importance in the fulfillment of human needs.
It is because we at Parkhills believe and have experienced the reality and power of God’s working in lives as we pray for others that our Intercessory Prayer Ministry was established. Our prayer room accepts requests 24 hours per day from
Our church family
Our community
Our state
Our world
Trained volunteers pray for prayer requests daily in Prayer Room.
Thank you Debbie Shaleen,
for all that you do,
and the little people
who do big things
one hour at a time
one week at a time.
Thank you.
You make a difference.
Parkhills Baptist Church
17747 San Pedro Avenue
San Antonio TX 78232

November 10, 2007

Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O LORD, my rock and my redeemer.

Well, I just drove 700 miles in the last 29 hours.

Did I mention that I did it with my 6, 5, and 3 year old? By myself? 700 miles in 29 hours with three children.

You want to know what the most amazing of this is though? All except for about 30 minutes I was able to listen to local contemporary Christian music radio. How's that for cool? That's not an easy drive to make. It sure makes it a lot easier to do when you've got your mind on what's really important.
Thank You
89.3 KSBJ
102.3 The River
91.3 106.3 89.1 KLOVE
20 The Countdown Magazine.
I also want to thank those that support these stations which makes listening to them possible.
I am so proud of Christians for getting the message on the air.

I was introduced to Christian music about 2 1/2 years ago and it is all that I listen to now. Scripture taken right out of the Bible put to music is often what you'll hear on these radio stations. I have memorized many verses by listening to them sang in songs on the radio. I can always bring a praise and worship song to mind at any given moment. The songs that I hear on the radio are always on my lips and in my thoughts. What a great way to practice -

"Let the words of my mouth
and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your
sight, O LORD, my rock and my redeemer."

And then there is always the positive and encouraging stories that are shared on the radio. This is taken out of website that K-LOVE linked to. I heard this story over the radio the other day driving to school. I felt the goose bumps all over my body as I yelled "praise God" with my mouth still hanging open. ---
Peru (MNN) ― As Bruce and Jan made their way carefully down the Andes mountains after a joy-filled JESUS Film showing, they had no idea that they were headed straight for a trap. Bruce and Jan are long-time missionaries for the JESUS Film Project. They approached a truck that seemed to have stalled, and before they knew it, they were surrounded by 45 heavily-armed terrorists, with guns thrust at them. The terrorists interrogated them and searched their belongings. They found their projection equipment and took it with the intention of showing revolutionary films. With the projection equipment a loss, Bruce handed over the JESUS Film as well, praying that it would not go unwatched. He and Jan were not harmed.
When the couple returned to that region a a year later, one of their attackers found Bruce to tell him an incredible story. The man named Jose apologized for the attack a year earlier and revealed that they had planned to kill them. However, whenever the topic came up something stopped them. They terrorists had brought the film back to camp where 700 people viewed the film. As they watched, they realized that Jesus was a true revolutionary, and many were so moved they wanted lay down their weapons and quit right there. Best of all, Jose told Bruce he had become a Christian and apologized for the attack a year earlier.

Today, Jose is a pastor and director of a large Bible school in Argentina. He also sends out missionaries all over the world.

While driving through the quite beautiful roads of highway 190 I was just reminded of how beautiful God is. As I was singing and praising Him with the words to praise and worship music driving through East Texas. The trees are starting to change color and the weather was just gorgeous.

God is everywhere you look.
And everywhere you look God is there.

 Not all of the drive was as beautiful. It wasn't always pleasant. I'll admit neither was I at times. In fact, most of it was very boring and quite plain to look at. But I was able to see God's presence in the details of every day life. The music over the radio kept me in the frame of mind that I always want to be in.

God is all around us. It's just that sometimes we lose sight of Him. He never really leaves us, we just quit focusing on Him. We turn our attention to something else. That's when we stop seeing Him.

 That's when we start looking outward instead of inward.
And we lose sight of what's important. We stop asking for God's help and begin to rely on our own strength to get us through our troubles.
 We are always going back for more, because our own strength is the kind that won't last.
 But they who wait for the LORD shall renew their strength;
they shall mount up with wings like eagles;
they shall run and not be weary,
they shall walk and not faint.
Isaiah 40:31
It is the Lord who sustains me. It is doing His will that keeps me going.