At my church we have a prayer ministry. It is called IPM - Intercessory Prayer Ministry. I don't remember how exactly I came to learn about the ministry although I'm sure it must be through receiving one of their precious "prayer grams."

A prayer gram is a card that an intercessor
writes. The card usually has an encouraging word or Scripture to let you know that you are being prayed for. These are mailed out daily. They are not mandatory. They are written as one is felt led to do so.
It is just so encouraging to be on the receiving end of one of these prayer grams. I loved writing prayer grams because I knew the impact that they had on my family and I. I wanted others to know that kind of love and hope and feel the presence of God in their lives.
When one calls in a prayer request a card is made an put in a little filing box. People that are voluntarily involved in the prayer ministry will come in and pray over those cards in the filing box. I know this because I was so impacted by this ministry that I was drawn to serve in it. My husband had received so many prayer grams from this ministry that I was compelled to give back to it. So I offered up one hour of my time a week. I was scheduled one hour in a certain day of the week to come and pray for others. This is an unbelievably powerful and rewarding ministry.
Intercessory Prayer Ministry
Intercessory prayer is entreaty, petition or request offered to God on behalf of someone else. It is a mark of Christian maturity, an unselfish action that grows out of a deep concern toward the other person or group. It is a deed done in faith, hope, and love.
Intercession is really a Christian response to life and our contact with a world of needy humans. Prayer has meaning and importance in the fulfillment of human needs.
It is because we at Parkhills believe and have experienced the reality and power of God’s working in lives as we pray for others that our Intercessory Prayer Ministry was established. Our prayer room accepts requests 24 hours per day from
Our church family
Our community
Our state
Our world
Trained volunteers pray for prayer requests daily in Prayer Room.
Thank you Debbie Shaleen,
for all that you do,
and the little people
who do big things
one hour at a time
one week at a time.
Thank you.
You make a difference.
Parkhills Baptist Church
17747 San Pedro Avenue
San Antonio TX 78232
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God Bless,
Taking Tomorrow
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Jesus Girl
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