Things turn out best for the people who make the best of the way things turn out.

December 25, 2007

It's all good

We had a great Christmas. God blows me away with his love for me. Some of my co-workers suprised me with a pile of presents for my children and I. We opened them tonight after we got home. Wow. God is good, my friends are good. They got me some really nice things. Thanks girlies.

My mother-in-law was home from the hospital for Christmas. Thank you, Lord. Merry Christmas all.


GUNNY said...

Hey, what's the deal?

I didn't get any peppermint ice cream last night. Where's the love?

Where's my ice cream wingman?

not used anymore. said...

Aah I feel so used. How many times do I have to tell you...

Don't use me!
Don't use me!
Don't use me!

Hey, I had forgotten all about the ice cream. I'm suprised you have time for ice cream with all the new music you have to listen to.

Thanks for all the good bull and extra curricular slooge.

Let me know if you need me to play some music for you, or just sing it.

GUNNY said...

I refuse to entertain any new music ... unless you dance it out as well.

So, you read that book I got you yet?

I'll bet you a heaping bowl of ice cream I listen to that CD before you read that book!


not used anymore. said...


I'm pretty sure that is a bet that you would win. But how can one enjoy the winnings if one had to scoop it oneself?

That dancing bit - that do a little something for ya? That dancing bit is goood.

You like-a the dancing, uh? The dancing is very goood.

GUNNY said...

That dancing bit IS good ... I wanna be friends with it.

Anonymous said...

I do hope your Christmas was wonderful and you are enjoying your presents. Love, Miss Bear Room B.