Well, I just drove 700 miles in the last 29 hours.

Did I mention that I did it with my 6, 5, and 3 year old? By myself? 700 miles in 29 hours with three children.

You want to know what the most amazing of this is though? All except for about 30 minutes I was able to listen to local contemporary Christian music radio. How's that for cool? That's not an easy drive to make. It sure makes it a lot easier to do when you've got your mind on what's really important.
Thank You
89.3 KSBJ
102.3 The River
91.3 106.3 89.1 KLOVE
20 The Countdown Magazine.
I also want to thank those that support these stations which makes listening to them possible.
I am so proud of Christians for getting the message on the air.
I was introduced to Christian music about 2 1/2 years ago and it is all that I listen to now. Scripture taken right out of the Bible put to music is often what you'll hear on these radio stations. I have memorized many verses by listening to them sang in songs on the radio. I can always bring a praise and worship song to mind at any given moment. The songs that I hear on the radio are always on my lips and in my thoughts. What a great way to practice -
"Let the words of my mouth
and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your
sight, O LORD, my rock and my redeemer."
And then there is always the positive and encouraging stories that are shared on the radio. This is taken out of website that K-LOVE linked to. I heard this story over the radio the other day driving to school. I felt the goose bumps all over my body as I yelled "praise God" with my mouth still hanging open. ---
Peru (MNN) ― As Bruce and Jan made their way carefully down the Andes mountains after a joy-filled JESUS Film showing, they had no idea that they were headed straight for a trap. Bruce and Jan are long-time missionaries for the JESUS Film Project. They approached a truck that seemed to have stalled, and before they knew it, they were surrounded by 45 heavily-armed terrorists, with guns thrust at them. The terrorists interrogated them and searched their belongings. They found their projection equipment and took it with the intention of showing revolutionary films. With the projection equipment a loss, Bruce handed over the JESUS Film as well, praying that it would not go unwatched. He and Jan were not harmed.
When the couple returned to that region a a year later, one of their attackers found Bruce to tell him an incredible story. The man named Jose apologized for the attack a year earlier and revealed that they had planned to kill them. However, whenever the topic came up something stopped them. They terrorists had brought the film back to camp where 700 people viewed the film. As they watched, they realized that Jesus was a true revolutionary, and many were so moved they wanted lay down their weapons and quit right there. Best of all, Jose told Bruce he had become a Christian and apologized for the attack a year earlier.
Today, Jose is a pastor and director of a large Bible school in Argentina. He also sends out missionaries all over the world.
While driving through the quite beautiful roads of highway 190 I was just reminded of how beautiful God is. As I was singing and praising Him with the words to praise and worship music driving through East Texas. The trees are starting to change color and the weather was just gorgeous.
God is everywhere you look.
And everywhere you look God is there.
Not all of the drive was as beautiful. It wasn't always pleasant. I'll admit neither was I at times. In fact, most of it was very boring and quite plain to look at. But I was able to see God's presence in the details of every day life. The music over the radio kept me in the frame of mind that I always want to be in.
God is all around us. It's just that sometimes we lose sight of Him. He never really leaves us, we just quit focusing on Him. We turn our attention to something else. That's when we stop seeing Him.
That's when we start looking outward instead of inward.
And we lose sight of what's important. We stop asking for God's help and begin to rely on our own strength to get us through our troubles.
We are always going back for more, because our own strength is the kind that won't last.
But they who wait for the LORD shall renew their strength;
they shall mount up with wings like eagles;
they shall run and not be weary,
they shall walk and not faint.
Isaiah 40:31
It is the Lord who sustains me. It is doing His will that keeps me going.
So ... uh ... how many times did you hear, "Are we there yet?"
How many times did you have to say, "Why didn't you go while we were at the last stop?!"
a blessing and heritage from the Lord. Of course, traveling with them is likely not even HALF the fun we gave our parents back in the day! Amen?
I would also like to thank Leap Frog for making the Leapster. Thank you to the makers of portable DVD players. Those things are great. The biggest whipping for me is the speed at which chldren move when you're on a road trip. Truly children have no concept of time or the meaning of hurry up.
At least there wasn't a barking dalmation in the car.
I'm glad you are coming in this Thanksgiving and not us.
So what's that verse, eh? Maybe you are giving other people a chance.
It's not really 4:47. It's 6:47 am.
You stopped by my blog, so I thought I would come check yours out. The pictures you have of East TX are lovely. I am originally from that area and I miss the scenery, especially during Autumn.
Your blog is awesome, Brandi... Love your road trip photos!
I know what you mean about Christian radio and always having a song in your heart and on your lips. What you put "in" really does make a difference in what comes "out".
When we moved out here "in the sticks", the only radio station we could get loud and clear was 90.9 FM, which is the local BBN (Bible Broadcasting Radio) station. My dad used to leave it on in my parents' bedroom all the time, and I thought it was just for old people... You guessed it... I got hooked. My alarm clock plays BBN every morning, and Erwin Lutzer, who comes on at 6:30 a.m. is one of my favorite preachers. On Sunday mornings, it's Ravi Zacharias at 7:30. He's the best. Sometimes the music gets on my nerves, but most of it is good medicine. At night they play "Unshackled". In case you've never heard it, you should really check it out. I used to listen to "Unshackled" in bed late at night when I was a teenager. A generation later, Katelyn did the same thing sometimes. It's really a neat program... The stories are true. :)
May all your travels be safe!
Thank you, Brenda, for your encouraging words. I am glad that my lessons and experiences in life are touching others. I am also happy to talk about what God has done in my life. He has done so much. Have you shown Katelyn the blog? I saw her on DuckProfessor. She was in a picture standing next to my favorite band's inspiration. David Crowder.
Thanks Thaistory.
This is so unbelievavbly true and cute. I love the pictures of your munchkins. They're adorable!! I love them!!
And you are so brave for traveling that amount of distance for that amount of time. Haha.
I like the comment your brother made! Lol.
Luv ya!
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