Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. ---- Romans 12:2

Have you ever heard of R. C. Sproul? He is a very wise Bible teacher. I'm sure there is a more professional sounding word to describe him but right now it's not coming to me. He used to be a pastor and now has a teaching ministry called "Renewing Your Mind." The notes included in this E.S.V. Bible are written by him. For those of you who don't know E.S.V. stands for English Standard Version. It's a fairly literal translation of the Bible but a little easier to understand than the King James. I happen to use the English Standard Version. My brother reccomends it (Baptist preacher), they are in fact the translation of the pew Bibles at his church, and my pastor uses it as well. I have really enjoyed it. Nevertheless, I intend to take full advantage of this sale. I suggest you look into the ESV Bible, R.C. Sproul, and his website:
I am very excited about not only being able to listen to R.C.'s teachings but also watching them online too. I have a couple video series of his and I've seen a couple of other ones. He's real good. You might want to take notes.
Well, I thought I would just get the word out that the Word is on sale. :)
That's bad bull they sold out before you could get one.
Well, there's a greater than zero chance you might be getting one for Christmas.
I just have to figure out how to get it in your stocking.
Oh ... it's a secret, by the way.
Woo_Hooo!! I am going to be very suprised on Christmas this year. I am very excited to know that. Thank you for the tip. What a great way to say Merry Christmas to a loved one. I would get you one too but... well, I don't want to talk about it. I'm still a little upset about the whole thing. But I am getting over it quite well for some reason. Woo-Hoo!! Reformation Study Bible for Christmas. IT's really turning out to be a Happy Reformation Day this year after all. OH I keep hearing on K-LOVE that it is husband cooking day today. YOU might want to keep your radios off. If you get in a bind, I have a great grilled cheese recipe I'll sell you. :) LOve you favorite sister.
Do you still make grilled cheese at a buck a piece?
I'm hoping you still will cut me the family discount.
Welcome to the blogging world!
I "tracked" back to your blog from "Gunny's" site.
I am looking forward to dropping by from time to time.
Glad to see you stop by. Hopefully I will get to spend some more time on my blog so that when you come by again you might have something new to view. Gunny's site is what inspired me to start my own blog. He's a real good guy that Gunny.
FYI ... Santa stopped by my house today, if you know what I mean.
God is so good to me through you. Thank you. Hope to see you this time of thanks at my home.
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