“I am now giving you the choice between life and death, between
God’s blessing and God’s curse, and I call heaven and earth to
witness the choice you make. Choose life.” Deuteronomy 30:19
Today I took part in a very valuable ministry. I was a link in the San Antonio Life Chain today from 2:00 -3:00 pm. What a good use of my time. A very productive hour. It was very encouraging as people drove by honking, waving, and some were handing out water for the participants. It was a beautiful day today too. I had never taken part in the Life Chain so today was my first time. Next time I'll be more prepared like our pastor was in his shorts, flip-flops, and full-brimmed hat and t-shirt. I on the other hand was still in my church attire. Fortunately today was one of my less dressy days. I was rather uncomfortable in my sweater, jeans, and 3 inch heel boots. Who knew holding a sign could be hard. Hardly much suffering considering the impact we had. If you have never been a part of a Life Chain before I highly suggest you commit yourself to one some time. On the back of the large signs were suggested songs, Life Chain etiquette, several suggested prayers, Psalm 51 I believe it was and some other info. For an hour the only sound I heard were cars passing by and honking. It was nice to spend some time with the Lord doing His will.

Dear Jesus Girl,
I checked my StatCounter tonight and clicked on the referring link, and here I am at your blog. I cannot tell you what a BLESSING it was to see the picture of Katelyn and the wonderful post you wrote! Do I know you?
May the Lord continue to use you and your blog for His purposes!
<>< Brenda,
God is awesome. You might recognize me if you saw me. I was at the Life Chain yesterday. It was my first time. I had on a blue sweater, and jeans and was near Billy Carlisle opposite the street from his shop. I was next to some of the (priests?) My name is Brandi Gray. I go to Parkhills. I think I've seen you there. When I saw you taking pictures you looked familiar. I just started this blog and that post was my second one. I am so blessed to know that others are looking at my blog and that God blessed you by leading you to it. I am constantly blown away by God. I am blessed to be used by God to bless your efforts. Do you go to Parkhills? I know from your website that you are not Debbie Locander. I thought that might be who you are. I know Joyce Marshall, Hathcox, Debbie and Bill Horton, Bob Bertels, Debbie Shaleen, Kim and Billy Carlisle. I saw the picture of Katelyn and recognized her from church. I never knew her personally, but she just beams with a love for God. When I saw the picture of her holding the sign I thought it was beautiful. Glad to have been a part of the Life Chain yesterday. What a fabulous ministry. I only know a brief part of it.
I'm proud of you, Sis.
Far too many professing believers forget that there's more to being prolife than just casting a vote every four years. Amen?
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