It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.
January 23, 2008
January 12, 2008
January 10, 2008
January 6, 2008

She was born on March 3rd, 1945 in Carlsbad, New Mexico to Nelson Pritz and Betty Jo Lewis.
Funeral services will be held on Saturday, January 12th, 2008, 11:00 a.m., at Parkhills Baptist Church, 17747 San Pedro Ave., 78232.
It is well, with my soul,It is well, with my soul,
Though Satan should buffet, though trials should come,
My sin, oh, the bliss of this glorious thought!
For me, be it Christ, be it Christ hence to live:
But, Lord, ‘tis for Thee, for Thy coming we wait,
And Lord, haste the day when my faith shall be sight,
January 5, 2008
Top 4
My top 4 places to eat would have to be:
- Papadeaux
- Pei Wei
- Pappasitos
- Freddy's Custard
My top 4 menu items:
- Mandarin Kung Pao w/fried rice (Pei Wei)
- Blackened Snapper Diablo (Pappadeaux)
- Filet Marsala -medium rare (Carabba's)
- Cheese Enchiladas (Pappasitos)
My top 4 favorite ice creams from Davinci:
- peanut butter
- hazelnut
- cheesecake
- rum raisin
My top 4 favorite others are:
- White chocolate rasberry truffle -HEB creamy creations
- Chunky Monkey - Ben And Jerry's
- Banana Cashew - HEB creamy creations
- Cherry Garcia - Ben and Jerry's
My top 4 places I would like to visit:
- Jerusalem
- Hawaii
- Jamaica
- British Columbia
My top 4 most cherished memories:
- Russell's birth
- Lauren's baptism
- preaching the gospel in Africa
- camping/fishing in the Ozarks
Top 4 favortie albums:
- Illuminate -- David Crowder Band
- Chronology I or II -- Third Day
- Hymned! -- Bart Millard
- Peace Like A River the hymns -- Chris Rice
Top 4 favorite Scriptures:
- Galatians 5:1
- Psalm 143:8
- Psalm 119:11
- 2 Corinthians 5:15
My top 4 favorite stores:
- Family Christian Store
- Kohl's
- James Avery
- Best Buy
My top 4 candy:
- Butterfinger Crisp
- Nutrageous
- Snickers w/ Almonds
- peanut butter cups
- It is for freedom that Christ has set us free; therefore stand firm, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery. --> Galatians 5:1
- I have hidden your word in my heart, so that I might not sin against you. --> Psalm 119:11
- Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I put my trust in you. Show me the way to go, for to you I lift up my soul. --> Psalm 143:8
- And he died for all, that those who live may no longer live for themselves, but for Him who for their sake died and was raised again. --> 2Corinthians 5:15
-----> For extra fun tell me yours in the comments section; maybe come up with some more.
January 4, 2008
Suprise I got you a new cat, Eric!
Hey, Eric I found a cat that would be perfect for you. Maybe you could practice your sermons on him. Hee-hee. :]
January 3, 2008
Q & A
Why are some songs only playing for 30-seconds?
"When you find a song on imeem that is a 30-second preview, it means that the artist or record label that has registered the song in our database has not approved full-length streaming for our users. Consistent with copyright fair use principles, the song will be streamed to you as a 30-second preview.
If you already have the song on your computer, upload it to your imeem profile and listen to it full-length. You can always listen to entire songs that you’ve uploaded to imeem; they will not be converted to 30-second previews. If you do not have the song on your computer, you can buy it on iTunes or
Just so you know, there are already millions of songs on imeem that we have permission to stream at full-length. We are constantly working with labels and artists around the world to add more, and we are adding thousands of songs each day. Stay tuned! "
So now I know. You see when I'm on my imeem they still play full length. I don't know until I've posted it that it will only be 30 seconds long. Now that I do know that I would be expecting lots of new music to be cycling through this blog.
Plan B
I had a plan. My plan was to introduce people to the music I listen to . My plan was to change the song on my blog site every so often that way people could listen to my kind of music. Let us just suppose I had someone very in particular that I wanted to play some of my music to. Let's just call him "Eric". Suppose "Eric" doesn't listen to much Contemporary Christian music and past attempts to introduce him to such music have failed. My plan was to play different ones on the blog and the end result would be that "Eric" would have been exposed to spiritually fulfilling music, that is if he keeps visiting my blog.
So... I am trying to figure out why my imeem only lets me play 30-second pieces of songs instead of the full length version. That wasn't the case in the beginning and now the only song I can play all of is Chris Rice's "Go Light Your World." The only reason is that one was saved prior to the "change." I don't know much about HTML but I'm guessing there is a slight change in the HTML that only permits me to be able to listen to as 30 second bit of the song. Sigh... I have spent lots of time on trying to remedy this and so I am now officially on a break.
In the meantime, please enjoy The Mean Kitty Song.
I bet if "Eric" had kids they would love this video. That is if "Eric" gets around to pushing the play button. P.S. I would hope that "Eric" knew that I was just picking on him becasue I love him. Well, I mean if there were an "Eric".
January 2, 2008
Thanks for the love