Things turn out best for the people who make the best of the way things turn out.

April 5, 2008

Fat Guy In a Little Coat

I don't think I am wrong in finding it inappropriate that my 9 year old overweight neighbor boy plays outside sometimes wearing only his two sizes too small bikini underwear. This has been going on for the four years that we have lived here. He has twin siblings that are 4 years old and they are now sometimes starting to do this. I believe this is only to cover up how odd the 9 year old is. The twins didn't used to do so, just only recently. One time I went over to their house for something and he was sitting at the computer in only his too small bikini underwear. I tell you my children do not go over and play at their house.

Where does this child learn such behavior? Does the father do this? One can only spend four years wondering.

I have young children and I am very uncomfortable about this going on in front of them. Today I asked the boy to go inside and get dressed. After me heckling him for several minutes he went inside. I probably should have mentioned it to the neighbors years ago that I was uncomfortable with this, but didn't. I mean really, who is prepared for this type of situation. They are moving soon and maybe I should just let it go. I just can't seem to get comfortable with my kids either seeing this or having to go inside because I don't want them exposed to this.

I believe I am to the point to where I am ready to ask the parents to please keep their son clothed when he is around my children. I don't know, I'll have to spend some time coming up with the right words to say and still be able to shine the light of Christ on these neighbors who do not know him.

Either way, I do not want my children to have to see this anymore. I'm not too fond of it either. Did I mention that this child sometimes runs around in white bikinis and has a running hose in his hand? Did I mention that sometimes he jumps on the trampoline in his really too small can't seem to fit all the way in his bikini underwear. It's disturbing.

1 comment:

GUNNY said...

What kind of wacky religious beliefs does this family hold to?

What's with the beloved pair of underwear with which he cannot part?