Things turn out best for the people who make the best of the way things turn out.

December 8, 2009

abuse = fail

Abuse most commonly refers to the use or treatment of something or someone (a person, item, substance, concept, idea or vocabulary) that is harmful, or the lack of proper care of these (neglect). 
  • Child abuse, physical, emotional or sexual abuse directed at a child
  • Elder abuse, physical or psychological threats or neglect, directed at the elderly, particularly those unable to care for themselves
  • Spousal abuse (better known as "domestic violence"), mistreatment of one's domestic partner.
  • Self-abuse, self-destructive behavior
  • Peer abuse, abusive behavior toward one's classmates in a school environment
  • Employee abuse, harassing, threatening, or bullying others in a work environment
  • Animal abuse, cruelty directed at animals

  • Psychological abuse, emotional or psychological coercion used to compel another to do something they do not want to do
  • Physical abuse, infliction of pain or use of violence against another
  • Sexual abuse, improper use of another person for sexual purposes, either against their will or under physical or psychological pressure
  • Child sexual abuse, such abuse of a minor
  • Spiritual abuse, use of religious beliefs to intimidate, coerce, or control another
  • Verbal abuse, use of profanity, demeaning talk, or threatening statements to degrade another

  • Substance abuse
  • Drug abuse
  • Alcohol abuse



does your significant other


call or text often to keep tabs on what you are doing
tell you what you can and can't wear
have to be with you all the time
threaten to hurt themselves if you don't obey them
get angry quickly or fight a lot
make all the decisions or give orders
call you names, insult you, or criticize you
become jealous, possessive, controlling, or bossy
threaten to hurt you or someone you love
follow you, track where you go, show up unannounced or invited
refuse to accept a break up
use alcohol or drugs and pressure you to try it
shove, kick, pinch, hit, choke, strangle, pull your hair, shove
touch you or force you to something physically that you don't want to do